Membership Benefits

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PPIC Membership Benefits

When you join the Plant Protein Innovation Center, you get many benefits:

  • For All Members PPIC offers:
    • Expert advice and support for troubleshooting processing/product development challenges
    • A 20% discount on any subsequent projects to continue reaching research goals 
    • High-priority project timelines 
    • Visibility on our website and networking opportunities
    • Waived registrations to PPIC events*
    • Opportunity to host booths at our annual meetings at no additional cost
    • Facilitated collaboration with other PPIC member companies
  • For Associate & Partner members PPIC also offers:
    • A Welcome package** that offers a customized project designed to meet your research needs
    • Customized hands-on training on various analytical techniques
    • Support with setting up new R&D labs for protein research
  • For Partner members PPIC also offers:

*Waived Event Registrations

Partners: Three waived registrations to PPIC annual meetings, two waived registrations to PPIC short course; a total value of $5,000 - $7,000/annually

Associate Members: Two waived registrations to PPIC annual meetings, one waived registration to PPIC short course; a total value of $3,000 – $4,500/annually

Affiliate Members/ Supporters: Two waived registrations to PPIC annual meetings; a total value of $1,500 - $3,000/annually

**Welcome package

Partners: A welcome package of $6,000 value is offered towards a customized project

Associate Members: A welcome package of $2,000 value is offered towards a customized project

Poster Session
Food Science Lab Team
Research Spotlight 2019
Fan and DSC