PPIC Inaugural Meeting
November 28, 2018
The Plant Protein Innovation Center (PPIC) hosted its inaugural meeting on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at the Graduate Hotel in Minneapolis. Over 120 representatives from 55+ organizations were present. It was encouraging that many individuals and organizations share our vision for investing in and developing the study of plant proteins. This new research center, housed within the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, will bring together interdisciplinary researchers, industry partners, and other stakeholders to study and deliver new, nutritious and functional plant protein ingredients and products. The conference featured a variety of international and local speakers, as well as a discussion session on the PPIC's research priorities. This successful launch event was generously supported by CFANS and the FScN department. The PPIC director, Dr. B. Pam Ismail, would like to acknowledge the Schwan's Corporate Giving Foundation for being the PPIC’s first supporter. This and similar support will enable the PPIC to be a leader in protein research. The PPIC is now accepting new members, and will be following up with several interested entities. Visit the PPIC website (https://ppic.cfans.umn.edu) for more information on the center’s mission, goals and model.