The University of Minnesota is the home for experts in several fields including protein chemistry, functionality, and bioactivity, protein extraction, proteomics, polymer characterization, human nutrition and dietetics, flavor chemistry, metabolomics, toxicology, animal nutrition, breading and genetics, biomaterials and bioengineering, informatics, and marketing. Apart from well-equipped individual labs, researchers at the University of Minnesota have access to several facilities: Food Processing Pilot Plant, Sensory Center, Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Center, Rheology Characterization Lab, Polymer Characterization Facility, Imaging Center, NMR Center, Biotechnology Institute, Analytical Biochemistry, and Statistical Consulting Center (view full details on the Capabilities page). The University of Minnesota is also seeking partnerships with other national and international institutions that have complementary expertise. Researchers will come together to innovate, while training the next generation of scientists and future hires.